Доброе утро! Вчера провели оптимизацию склада по евро паллетам. Перемещено 70 паллет в ячейки и полупаллетное хранение, это 2060 единиц товара. Новый отчет по утилизации во вложении Спасибо.
Good morning!Yesterday spent optimizing warehouse on Euro pallets.Of pallets 70 moved into cells and polupalletnoe storage, this 2060 units.New report on recycling as an attachmentThank you.
Good morning! Yesterday spent optimizing warehouse for Euro pallets. Moved to 70 pallets per cell and polupalletnoe storage is 2060 units sold. The new report on utilization of the attachment Thanks.
good morning!yesterday held the optimization паллетам warehouse on the euro.moved 70 pallet in cells and полупаллетное storage is 2060 units of goods.a new report on the disposition of attachedthank you.