Всем привет! J
Сегодня последний день моей работы в компании. Я хочу сказать, что мне было очень приятно работать радом с Вами. Вы все очень классные и мне Вас будет очень не хватать.
Особенное спасибо хочу сказать Леше Швецову, Серову Сергею, Будяку Сергею, Артему Махоткину, Алексею Пожарскому, Максиму Тренину, Федору Дынге – за вашу поддержу и знания, которые вы мне дали)) Опыт, в работе с Вами – бесценный))
Компании ТП-Линк, в лице руководства – спасибо за доверие, которые вы мне оказали и доверили самое ценное – Ваших конечных потребителей.
Я хочу пожелать каждому из вас - личного развития, успехов и удачи во всех ваших желаниях и начинаниях в вашей жизни.
Компании ТП-Линк развития и процветания!
Hello world! (J) Today is my last day of work in the company. I want to say that I was very pleased to work with you next. You are all very cool and me you will be sorely missed.Special thanks to mean Lesha Švecovu, Sergei Serov, Sergey Budâku, Artem Mahotkinu, Alexei Pozharsky, Maxim Treninu, Fedor Dynge-for all your support and knowledge that you gave me)) experience in working with you is priceless)) Company TP-link, in the person of the Guide-thank you for the confidence you have placed in me and trusted most valuable-your end-users.I want to wish each of you-personal development, success and good luck in all your desires and endeavors in your life. Company TP-link development and prosperity!

Hello! J Today is the last day of my work in the company. I want to say that I was very pleased to work next to you. You are all very cool and I you will be sorely missed. A special thank you to say Lesha Shvetsov, Serov Sergey, Budyakov Sergey, Artem Makhotkin, Alexey Pozharsky, Maxim Trenin, Fedor Dinga - for your stand by and knowledge that you gave me)) Experience , to work with you - priceless)) TP-Link Company, represented by management - thank you for the confidence you gave me, and trusted the most valuable -. your end users I would like to wish each of you - personal development, success and good luck in all your desires and endeavors in your life. Companies TP-Link development and prosperity!

hello, everyone! jtoday is the last day of my work in the company. i want to say that it was a pleasure to work here with you. you are all very nice and you will be greatly missed.special thanks to леше швецову, серову sergei будяку sergei артему махоткину, alexei pozharsky, maxim тренину, fedora дынге, for your support and expertise that you gave me) experience in working with you is priceless)company tp - link, in the face of the guide, thank you for the confidence that you have and put the most precious is your end users.i want to wish each of you - personal growth, success, and good luck in all your desires and actions in your life.company tp - link development and prosperity.