После установки сухарей необходимо молотком с мягким бойком или другим неметаллическим инструментом сделать несколько легких ударов по верхней части штока клапана — это поможет сухарям встать на свое место.
After installation it is necessary to hammer with soft breadcrumbs brisk or other nonmetallictool to make a few light bumps on the top of the valve stem is helpsuharâm to stand in its place.
After installation, you must biscuits with a soft mallet striker or other non-metallic tool to make a few light blows on the upper part of the valve stem - this will help breadcrumbs to stand in his place.
after the installation сухарей is a soft бойком or others withtool to do some light strikes on the part of the valve rod верхней - it will helpсухарям stand in its place.