on the 3rd3m is a diversified multinational company offering innovative solutions, which is a daily life. for more than 100 years, people throughout the world are using products and ideas using, which makes people"s life convenient and safe, and the work is more effective. using про¬изводит more than 55000 items, and has developed and uses more than 30 basic technological platforms. the desire to create innovative solutions and products to help our clients and partners to meet their objectives. we offer solutions for all industries промышлен¬ности.3 is the leading manufacturer in the industry, the industrial марки¬ровки. our production plants этикеточных materials are located in the uk, the usa and germany. a wide range этикеточных materials allows us to tackle the challenges of industrial marking, product authentication, tamper protection products, toys and so on.in russia, the company has its own client using техноло¬гический centre. on the basis of regular training seminars for distributors, theoretical and practical training for end users, with the participation of experts of the company. in addition, our customers can get information about how to use the materials техно¬логию their application, as well as with the help of modern equipment to determine the optimal solution of its task.