ООО «УралЭнергоСантехКомплект» - это стабильный, надежный партнер для Вашего бизнеса.
Наша компания - универсальный поставщик электротехнической и сантехнической продукции, а так же вентиляционного оборудования.
В первую очередь мы стремимся учесть все потребности наших партнеров. Тем самым предлагая качественную продукцию. Мы стремимся сделать так, чтоб предлагаемый нами продукт удовлетворял не только Вас, но и Ваших клиентов!
Мы ценим нашу репутацию и внимательно относимся к каждому заказу, гарантируя оговоренные сроки и цены.
При комплектации строительных объектов мы придерживаемся стратегии максимального удовлетворения потребностей заказчика. В ассортименте компании представлено инженерное оборудование для систем отопления, водоснабжения, водоотведения, для центральных и индивидуальных тепловых пунктов, вентиляции, пожаротушения и сантехнических систем. Мы гарантируем высокое качество, огромный выбор и оптимальные цены.
Строительство нового объекта подразумевает решение целого комплекса задач, связанных с его комплектацией. «УралЭнергоСантехКомплект» поставляет весь спектр оборудования для систем отопления, водоснабжения и канализации многоэтажных зданий, возводимых по типовым и индивидуальным проектам
Надеемся на плодотворное и долгосрочное сотрудничество!
С Уважением коллектив «УралЭнергоСантехКомплект»
LLC «UralÈnergoSantehKomplekt» is a stable, reliable partner for your business. Our company-universal provider of electrical and plumbing products, as well as ventilation equipment.First and foremost we strive to accommodate all the needs of our partners. Thus offering quality products. We strive to make so that our product meets not only you but also your customers!We value our reputation and are attentive to each order, ensuring deadlines and prices.When completing construction projects we adhere to the strategy of the maximal satisfaction of customer needs. In assortment of the company is represented by the engineering equipment for systems of heating, water supply, sewerage, Central and individual heating units, ventilation, fire fighting and plumbing systems. We guarantee high quality, huge selection and the best prices.Construction of the new facility involves a complex of tasks related to its acquisition. «UralÈnergoSantehKomplekt» delivers a full range of equipment for systems of heating, water supply and sewerage of multi-storey buildings erected on common and individual projectsWe hope for fruitful and long-term cooperation!Sincerely UralÈnergoSantehKomplekt team»

LLC "UralEnergoSantehKomplekt" - it is a stable, reliable partner for your business.
Our company - a universal supplier of electrical and sanitary products, as well as ventilation equipment.
In the first place we aim to take into account all the needs of our partners. Thereby offering quality products. We strive to make so that our proposed products satisfy not only you but also your customers!
We value our reputation and attentive to each order, guaranteeing a specified time and price.
With a complete set of building objects we hold strategy to maximize customer satisfaction. The company's range includes technical equipment for heating, water supply, sanitation, for central and individual heating units, ventilation, fire and plumbing systems. We guarantee high quality, huge selection and reasonable prices.
The construction of the new facility includes a solution of the whole complex of problems associated with its complete set. "UralEnergoSantehKomplekt" delivers the entire spectrum of equipment for heating, water supply and sewage systems of multi-storey buildings, constructed on the model and individual projects
We look forward to a fruitful and long-term cooperation!
Sincerely collective "UralEnergoSantehKomplekt"

the company уралэнергосантехкомплект» is stable, reliable partner for your business.our company is a supplier of electrical and sanitary products, as well as the ventilation equipment.in the first place, we have to take into account all the needs of our partners. thus, by offering quality products. we strive to make our products satisfy not only you, but your clients!we value our reputation and pay attention to each and every order, guaranteeing the deadlines and prices.we adhere to the strategy of building objects with the maximum meet customer needs. our company is engineering equipment for heating, water supply, sanitation, and individual items for the central heating, ventilation, fire and plumbing systems. we guarantee high quality, huge selection and optimal prices.the construction of the new facility includes a set of tasks related to the комплектацией. "уралэнергосантехкомплект» delivers a full range of equipment for heating, water supply and sewerage multi-storey buildings erected on the model and individual projectslook forward to a fruitful and long-term cooperation!with respect to the "уралэнергосантехкомплект»