Добрый день! Меня интересует срок и цена доставки. Мне необходимо 130 зарядных устройств. Сколько будет стоить доставка в Чувашскую Республику, город Чебоксары? И сколько приблизительно ожидать товара? Спасибо!
Good afternoon!I am interested in the time and cost of delivery. I need 130 rechargers. How much will delivery cost in the Chuvash Republic, Cheboksary city? And approximately how many to expect goods? Thank you!
Good afternoon! I am interested in the price and term of delivery. I need 130 chargers. How much will the service in the Chuvash Republic, Cheboksary? And approximately how much to expect the goods? Thank you!
good day!i'm interested in time and cost of delivery. i need 130 chargers. how much will it cost to delivery in чувашскую republic, the city of cheboksary. and what about expected goods? thank you!