In view of the prevailing situation, in the company with care suited to long-term forecasts, hoping to remain in the current year, the indicators 2013,However, do not conceal hopes for an ambulance stabilization of the situation in the country and the gradual restoration demand. The Company continues to invest resources in support channel sales, retail,Internet service providers and end-users. In the current year the planned a major update SOHO and SMB product line, including announcing the family 3G devices, devices with 802.11speakers and new switches L3.
The Company TP-link to the regular meeting with the press has shared the results of the 2014 year, and perspectives for the current year.On the follow-up to the past year, your company has been able to retain sales almost at the level of 2013, collecting in Ukraine 1,448,762 units (1,648,861 in 2013 year).The bulk of the marketing company continue to occupy wireless devices, their share in the past year, amounted to 85% of the 82% in the 2013-m.lord, however, there is a changing consumer sentiment,Associated with the situation in the country. Internet penetration in the course of the year, almost not grown in comparison with previous years, was prevalent in the past year, migration demand with speed 150 Mbit/s to 300Mbit/s,In the III quarter of reverse migration has changed, and the demand for energy has been shifted to the area 150Mbps devices. Segment dual band continues to be little pearls, in force as well as high prices,And because of the still low valued such speeds in the household.
In general, the conditions have dramatically reduced demand and physically limits of market companies unable to hold leading market share in the segment SOHO devices, representing more than half the market.The world of the company in this segment on the basis of recent data is 49.25 % .Lord in the situation in the company carefully suited to the projections for the current year,At the same time, there is hope for stabilizing the situation in the country and the gradual restoration demand in the second half of the year. Target bar in the current year - to return to the indicators 2013,However, the current situation is too early, and the plans will be adjusted on the follow-up to the first half of the year.