Aконкагуа очень сухая гора.Восхождение сопровождается быстрымнабором высоты, как следствиесуровой горняшкой, палящим солнце,от которого сгораешь даже подкремами, тяжелыми бессвязнымиснами. Иногда останавливаешьсявдохнуть тысячелетний запах местнойпыли, спускающийся с зелёных, бурых,синих скал и понимаешь что ты надругом конце Света в сердцетруднопроходимых Анд, wtf)) На фотозаснеженная южная стена, выглядитабсолютно неприступной.
Akonkagua very dry mountain. <br>Climbing accompanied by a rapid <br>climb, as a consequence of <br>the severe mountain illness, the scorching sun, <br>from which burns even in <br>creams, heavy incoherent <br>dreams. Sometimes you stop <br>to inhale the smell of a thousand years of local <br>dust coming down from green, brown, <br>blue rocks and know that you are on <br>the other end of the Light in the heart of <br>impassable Andes, wtf)) The photo <br>snowy south wall, looks <br>absolutely unassailable.

Aconcagua is a very dry mountain.<br>Climbing is accompanied by a quick<br>set the height as a result<br>harsh horn, scorching sun,<br>from which you burn even under<br>creams, heavy rambling<br>Dreams. Sometimes you stop<br>inhale the millennial smell of the local<br>dust coming down from the green, brown,<br>blue rocks and realize that you're on<br>The other end of the world in the heart<br>difficult Andes, wtf)) Pictured<br>snow-covered southern wall, looks<br>absolutely impregnable.

Ankua is a very dry mountain.<br>Right ascension<br>Result, result<br>A grim miner, the sun,<br>You burn<br>Heavy cream<br>Snami. Sometimes you stop.<br>Inhale the smell of the local place for a thousand years<br>From green, brown dust,<br>Blue cliff, you know<br>The other side of the world<br>Show in photos<br>The snow on the south wall looks like<br>Absolutely indestructible.<br>