ООО «БАШАРМПРОМ» основана в 2008 году. Клапан обратный поворотный стальной — это основной продукт, выпускаемый нашей компанией.
Тяжелые экономические испытания того времени смогли не только «закалить», но и твердо укрепить компанию ООО «БАШАРМПРОМ» на рынке трубопроводной арматуры, ведь мы смогли не только «уцелеть», но и вступить на рынок как основной поставщик клапанов обратных поворотных для ряда заказчиков с громкими именами.
С момента начала производства за основу работы была заложена цель — в кратчайшие сроки наладить выпуск готовой продукции, отвечающий всем требованиям качества, надежности и безопасности. За время своей деятельности компания ООО«БАШАРМПРОМ» гарантированно зарекомендовала себя в качестве надежного и высокопрофессионального партнера предприятий химической, газовой, нефтехимической, металлургической и других отраслей промышленности России и ближнего зарубежья.
Несомненно, успеху компании ООО «БАШАРМПРОМ» сопутствовало высокий профессионализм сотрудников, применение высококачественных комплектующих и целенаправленная деятельность на расширение ассортимента выпускаемой продукции.
Индивидуальный подход к каждому клиенту, высокое качество выпускаемой продукции, короткие сроки изготовления, применение только высококачественных материалов и комплектующих, регламентированные гарантийные обязательства, гибкая ценовая политика, действующая система скидок – критерии выгодно отличающие компанию ООО «БАШАРМПРОМ» среди других поставщиков и производителей аналогичной продукции.
LLC «BAŠARMPROM» was founded in 2008 year. Rotary valve steel is the main product manufactured by our company.Severe economic test of that time were not only "harden", but also firmly strengthen Company LLC «BAŠARMPROM» valves on the market, because we were able to not only survive, but also to enter the market as the main provider of valves reverse turning for a number of clients with famous names.Since the start of production for the Foundation work was laid down the goal — in the shortest time possible to produce a finished product that meets all the requirements of quality, reliability and security. During its activity the company "BAŠARMPROM" is guaranteed to established itself as a reliable and professional partner enterprises of chemical, gas, petrochemical, metallurgical and other industries in Russia and abroad.Undoubtedly, the success of the company "BAŠARMPROM" accompanied by high professionalism of employees, the use of quality components and focus on expansion of assortment of the manufactured products.Individual approach to each client, high quality, short terms of manufacturing, using only high quality materials and components, the warranty obligations regulated, flexible price policy, current discount system-criteria for distinguishing between beneficial Company LLC "BAŠARMPROM" among other suppliers and manufacturers of similar products.
LLC "BASHARMPROM" was founded in 2008. Check valve turning steel - is the main product sold by our company. Poor economic tests at that time were not only "harden" and firmly to strengthen the company «BASHARMPROM" in the market of pipe fittings, because we were able to not only "survive", but to enter the market as a major supplier of valves reverse pivot for a number of customers with big names. Since the start of production for the foundation of the work laid the goal - as soon as possible to start production of finished products, meeting all requirements of quality, reliability and security. During its activity the company "BASHARMPROM" guaranteed has established itself as a reliable and highly professional partner of chemical, gas, petrochemical, metallurgical and other industries in Russia and abroad. Undoubtedly, the success of the company "BASHARMPROM" accompanied by the high professionalism of the staff, the use of high-quality components and purposeful activity on expanding the range of products. The individual approach to each client, high quality products, short terms of manufacturing, the use of only high quality materials and components, regulated warranties, flexible pricing policy, the current system of discounts - criteria differentiate the company LLC " BASHARMPROM "among other suppliers and manufacturers of similar products.