Мне сложно понять что ыт мне пишешь. Давай изначально решим вопрос пон的英文翻譯

Мне сложно понять что ыт мне пишешь

Мне сложно понять что ыт мне пишешь. Давай изначально решим вопрос понимания друг друга, а потом продолжим наше общение.

Судя по моим вопросам и твоим ответам ты не так отчетлива понимаешь меня как тебе кажется. Почему? Все очень просто... Я тебе написала что переводчик в принципе как то более менее нормально переводит на английский язык это и панятно почему, патому что английский язык самый распостраненный язык в мире, а русский один из самых сложнейших языков на планете, в нем много окончаний, значений слов, суффиксов, склонений, спряжений.. Русский язык являтся флексийным языком. ты бы понимал о чем я пишу, если бы знал русский. Паэтому автоматическому переводчику очень сложно понять и перевести правильно именно так, как желает автор, соответственно, так как желаю я читать твое письмо. Теперь мы возвращаемся с табой снова к обсуждению того, что ты все понимаешь. Но весь мир не крутится вокруг тебя. В нем еще есть я и я тебя плохо понимаю и описала тебе подробно почему...

Так что теперь мне делать? мы даже не попробуем воспользоваться переводами? Я думаю глупо уйти с сервиса нам обоим и не попробовать в действии как это работает, как ты считаешь?

Если проблема в деньгах тогда так и напиши что ты не хочешь оплачивать переводы наших сообщений. Это нормально, если для тебя это дорого. Ничего в этом стыдного нет, я сама бду оплачивать переводы наших с тобой писем. Без проблем. Но в таком случае я сама буду выбирать место где мы будем использовать перевоыд которые делают люди! Я думаю что лучше подойдет http://youandme-we.com/

Почему? Все просто! Это самый дешевый вариант и там мы сможем обмениваться переведенными собщениями в одном месте, это удобно, не надо деать лишних действий кк отправить письмо по почте переводчику, он переведет, отправит его обратно на почте и потом я буду тебе отправлять это переведенное письмо на твою почту. Также там они пишут что перевод делаетя не позже 2-3 часов. Быстрее я нигде не нашла, так что зачем платить больше??))

Ты хотя бы можешь там пройти регистрацию или это так сложно для тебя? Я надеюсь что регистрация на сайте это не что-то сверхестественное для тебя??!!)))
Я там прошла регистрацию, мой ник там Vikulya, после того как ты там зарегистрируешься ты сможешь меня найти по моему нику через поиск. Как пройдешь регистрацию пришли мне свой ник по почте я найду тебя там и напишу теюе.

Я еще раз повторяю ты ни за что платить там не будешь это буду делать я, мы начнем понимать нормально друг друга и согласовывать нашу будущую встречу после чего когда я начну тебя нормально понимать я вышлю тебе свой скайп и мы договоримся о встрече там. Не ты будешь платить за переводы сообщений а я. Понимаешь?

Давай не создавать проблемы а решать их. Я никуда не поеду пока не буду в тебе уверена и пока не буду понимать тебя нормально. Я не хочу жизнь себе портить и если за общение и понимание тебя мне надо будет заплатить я готова это сделать, но необдуманных и непонятных решений я принимать не буду и на другое не согласно. Я бы тебе даже не писала что тебе нужно там зарегистрироватся, но пишу потому что я не могу там сама себе письма отправлять)) для этого надо двое человек.

Так что давай не дрейф регистрируйся на сайте и пришли мне свйо ник.
原始語言: -
目標語言: -
結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
It is difficult for me to understand that the yt I write. Let's initially decide question of understanding each other, and then continue our communication.Judging by my questions and your answers you're not so distinct I mean me as you think. Why? Everything is very simple. I wrote that the interpreter in principle as something more or less normally translates into English this and panâtno why patomu that English is the most common language in the world, and Russian is one of the most sophisticated languages on the planet, it has a lot of meanings of words, endings, suffixes, declensions, conjugations and. .. English is the language of fleksijnym. you would understand what I write, if I knew Russian. Paètomu automatic translator is very difficult to understand and translate correctly exactly as the author wishes to, respectively, as I wish I read your letter. Now we return to Taba to discuss again what you all understand. But the whole world revolves around you. It still got me and I got you bad understand and described in detail why you ...So now I do? We don't even try to use the translations? I think stupid to withdraw from service the both of us and not try how it works, what do you think?If the problem is in the money and then write what you do not want to pay for translations of our messages. It's OK if it's expensive for you. Anything in this shameful no I BDU to pay for translations of our emails with you. No problem. But in this case, I'll choose the place where we will use perevoyd that make people! I think that better fits http://youandme-we.com/Why? All easy! This is the cheapest option and there we will be able to share translated sobŝeniâmi in one place, it is convenient, it is not necessary to deat′ beat KK send a letter by mail to the translator, he translates, send it back to your email and then I will send you this letter translated for your mail. They also write that the transfer delaetâ not later 2-3 hours. Faster I nowhere found, so why pay more?))At least you can check there or is it so hard for you? I hope that registration is not something supernatural for you?!)))I registered my nickname there Vikulya, once you register you will be able to find me in my NICU through search. How to pass the registration came to me your nickname in the mail I'll find you there and write teûe.I repeat once again you pay for anything out there is not going to do me, we begin to understand each other and negotiate properly our future meeting and then when I start you normally understand I'll send you my Skype and we arrange meeting there. You will not pay for translations of messages and I see?.Let's not create problems and solve them. I'm not going anywhere until I'm confident in you and will not understand you just fine. I don't want to spoil your life for themselves and for communication and understanding if you do I have to pay I am willing to do it, but hasty and bizarre decisions and I won't take on another disagrees. I would not even you wrote that you need to register there but write because I can not send emails myself there)) to do this, two people.So let's not drift register on the site and send me svjo Nick.
結果 (英文) 2:[復制]
I find it difficult to understand what I write um. Let's initially solve the problem of understanding each other, and then continue our dialogue. According to my questions and your answers so you do not clearly understand me as you think. Why is that? It's very simple ... I wrote to you that the interpreter in principle, as it is more or less normally translates into English it panyatno why patomu that English is the language most extended ones in the world, Russian is one of the most difficult languages ​​in the world, there are a lot endings, the meanings of words, suffixes, declensions, conjugations .. Russian language yavlyatsya fleksiynym language. you would understand what I write, if I knew Russian. Paet Automatic translator is very difficult to understand and translate it correctly as the author wished, respectively, as I wish I read your letter. Now we return to taboy again to discuss the fact that you all know. But the world does not revolve around you. It is still there and I know I'm bad and you have described to you in detail why ... So now I do? we do not even try to take advantage of the translations? I think stupid to leave the service to both of us and try out how it works, what do you think? If the problem is in the money and then write what you do not want to pay for translations of our messages. This is fine if it is expensive for you. Nothing to be ashamed of in this no, I'll pay for translations of our NOS you letters. No problem. But in this case, I myself will choose the place where we will use perevoyd that people do! I think that it is better suited http://youandme-we.com/ Why? It's simple! This is the cheapest option and there we will be able to exchange Message translated in one place, it's convenient, you do not need extra action deat kk send an email to the translator, translate it, send it back in the mail, and then I'll send you this letter translated to your mail . Also there they write that translation makes no no later than 2-3 hours. Faster I never found, so why pay more ??)) You can even register there or is it so hard for you? I hope that the registration online is not something supernatural for you ?? !!))) I was registered there, my nickname there Vikulya, once you're there zaregistrirueshsya you can find me in my search through a nick. How to get through the registration of your nickname I came in the mail, I'll find you there and write teyue. I repeat once again you have to pay for anything there will not be this, I'm going to do, we begin to understand each other properly and coordinate our future meeting and then when I start normally you understand I'll send you my Skype and we agreed to meet there. You're not going to pay for the translation of messages and I. Do you understand? Let's not create problems and solve them. I'm not going anywhere until I'm confident in you and yet will not understand you correctly. I do not want to spoil life for themselves and if for communication and understanding you will have to pay me I'm ready to do it, but thoughtless and incomprehensible decisions, I will not take on others disagree. I would have not even written that you have to be registered there, but I write because I can not there myself Sending)) for two people do this. So let's not drift register on the site and send me svyo nickname.

結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
I find it difficult to understand that ыт me is impossible. Let's initially resolve the question understanding each other, and then we will continue our communication.lord according to my questions and answers: thou art thou not so debating understand me as you think. Why is that?Everything is very easy ... I wrote that the interpreter in principle as it is more less than normally puts the English translation, this and панятно why, патому that the English language the most распостраненныи language in the world,A Russian one of the most difficult languages in the world, in the end it a lot, the importance of words, suffix, variance, спряжении.. Russian language is rooted флексииным language. You have to understand what I am writing, if only you knew Russian.Паэтому automatic translator is very difficult to understand and translate correctly that is the case, as well as to the author, respectively, as I wish i read your letter. Now we come back here again for the discussion,That you all understand. But the entire world is not is spinning around you. In it there is still i and i poorly understand and described in detail why you ... Lord so that now I do? We do not even try to use transfers?I think it would be wise to leave the service and both of us do not try in action how it works, how do you think?lord if the problem is the money then and write that you do not want to pay for translations our messages. This is normal, asIf for you it is expensive. Nothing in this стыдного no, I have to pay for the academicians Vagif Farzaliyev translations our letters with you. Without problems. But in this case i is itself i should choose a place where we will use перевоыд which make people!I think that is the right choice for http://yоuаndme-we.соm/

Почему? It's that simple! This is the cheapest option, and there we will be able to exchange translated собщениями in one place, this is convenient,Do not деать unnecessary actions qc to send the letter in the mail interpreter, he places, send it back to the mail, and then I will get you to send this letter to Lord translated mail.Also they say that the translation делаетя not later than 2-3 hours. Faster i nowhere is not found, so that why should I pay more?? ))Lord did you even get there to complete the registration process or is it so difficult for you?I hope that the registration on the site is not that of the сверхестественное for you?? !!guessed
i was registered, my nick there Vikulyа, after you there зарегистрируешься you'll find me on my niku through search.As well as comfortable getting registration came to me nick in the mail i find you there and will write теюе.lord once again I repeat you are not there to pay for that thou shalt not that I should do so i,We will begin to understand normally each other and harmonize our future meeting and then when I start you normally understand i'll send you their news / and we will agree on the summit there.Do not thou shalt pay for transfers messages as well i. Understand?lord let's not create problems and resolve them. I will not go until i in thee is confident and has not yet I understand you correctly.I do not want to spoil life itself and if the communication and understanding I will have to be paid i was ready to do so, but foolish and incomprehensible decision, I have to take is not i and the other does not.I would like to get you are not even wrote that you need to be there next class trip, but I am writing because I am not there i can itself letter send)) for this must be two persons.

So let's not drift регистрируися on the website, and found me naive naïve nick.
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