Юрий, Во вложении – акт отбраковки по складу модели TL-PA2010 1 штука. Спишите, пожалуйста, у себя по системе. Переводим в статус BRK и перемещаем в паллеты с поломанным оборудованием?
Yuri attachment-an act of rejection on the warehouse model TL-1 piece PA2010. Record, please have your system. Translate the status of BRK and move the pallets with broken equipment?
Yuri In an attachment - the act of rejecting the warehouse model TL-PA2010 1 piece. asleep, please, at the system. transfers to the status of BRK and move it to the pallet with the broken equipment?
Yuri, in attachments - The act of screening warehouse model TL-PA2010 1 unit. Please fetch, please, to the system. Glossaries in the status BRK and locating in a pallet поломанным equipment?