Мы предприятие и ни один из спосов оплаты невозможен. Во-первых,я не понял по времени через сколько по времени Вы отправляете товар и сколько он будет идти?
во-вторых,если Вы производитель, почему Вы не предложили оплату на расчетный счет Вашего предприятия?
Если Вы готовы работать, то нужен вариант для оплаты товара, который мы можем осуществить (как я уже и говорил, мы не можем оплачивать валюту, может вы белорусские рубли примете?
Есть ли меню в регистраторах и камерах русский язык?
We are an enterprise and none of FPIC payment impossible. First, I did not realize at the time how many time you post items and how much will it go? secondly, if you are a manufacturer, why you were not offered a payment to the account of your company? If you are willing to work, you need an option for payment for the goods, which we can realize (as I have already said, we can not pay for the currency, you can Belarusian rubles mind? Does menu recorders and cameras Russian language?

We have the enterprise and no one спосов payment is not possible. In the first place, I do not understand the time through how much the time you send your product and how much it will be to go?lord secondly,if you are the manufacturer,Why don't you have proposed for payment on account your business?lord if you are willing to work, you need an option for payment for the goods, which we can implement (as I have already said, we are unable to pay for currency,Can you Belarusian rubles will take?lord there is a menu in the recorders and cameras russian language?