Добрый день, Дмитрий!
Документы, которые необходимы вам для корректного оформления документов во вложении.
Кроме этого, есть кое-какие пожелания, которые необходимо изменить
1. В договоре изменить имя и фамилию директора и указать Чень Цинфен.
2. Заявка на утилизацию. Изменить доки относительно заявки.
3. Ожидаемые документы – ттн, счет, акты приемки-передачи, акты выполненных работ, налоговая, отчет о утилизации.
Если есть какие-то пожелания, излагайте, будем обсуждать.
Hello, Dmitry! Documents that you need for the correct execution of documents as an attachment. In addition, there are some concerns that need to be changed1. in the change name and last name of the Director and specify Chen Cinfen.2. application for recycling. Change the docks on the application.3. expected documents CMR, invoice, receipt and inspection reports-transfer, acceptance certificates, tax, report on recycling. If you have any wishes, vote, discuss.

Hello, Dmitry! Documents that are necessary for you to correct paperwork attached. In addition, there are some suggestions that you need to change 1. The agreement to change the name and surname of the director and specify Chen Qingfu. 2. Application for recycling. Change the docks on the application. 3. Expected documents - Receipt, invoice, certificates of acceptance and transfer, acts of acceptance, tax, report on the disposal. If there are any suggestions, outlines, we will discuss.

Today, Bob!
lord documents that you need to correct the documents in an attachment.
lord in addition, there are some concerns, which must be changed
1.In the contract to change the name and the last name of director and specify Chen Цинфен.lord 2. Application for recycling. Change docks on the application.lord 3. The expected documents - risks, account, of receiving the transfer, of executed works,Tax, report on recycling.
lord if there is any wishes, best way, we will also discuss.