Доха - Буэнос айрос станет моим самымдлинным одиночным перелетом и займёт20 часов 10 минут. А ещё Буэнос Айрос иСантьяго это две самых удаленныхстолицы планеты, если считать от Москвы.Buenos Aires
Doha - Buenos ayros become my very <br>long single flight and takes <br>20 hours and 10 minutes. And yet Buenos Ayros and <br>Santiago are the two most remote <br>capital of the world, if you count from Moscow. <br>buenos Aires
Doha - Buenos aires will be my most<br>long single flight and will take<br>20 hours, 10 minutes. And also Buenos Aires and<br>Santiago is two of the most remote<br>capital of the planet, if you count from Moscow.<br>Buenos Aires
Doha, Buenos Aires will be my favorite.<br>Long one-way flight<br>20 hours and 10 minutes. And Buenos Aires and<br>San Diego is the two most remote places.<br>The capital of the earth, except Moscow.<br>Buenos Aires<br>