Настоящим выражаем Вам свое почтение и сообщаем Вам о том, что нами по инвойсу №DS150116 от 26 марта 2015 г. на имя Aqua Medtek LLC., отправлен лекарственный препарат Бактам 1,5 и по нашей ошибке на упаковке не напечатан производитель.
To extend its respect to you and to inform you that we have to invoice No. DS150116 dated March 26, 2015 addressed Aqua Medtek LLC., sent Baktam 1.5 and medication for our error on the packaging are not printed by the manufacturer.
Hereby expresses its respect and inform you that we have the invoice №DS150116 of March 26, 2015 the name of Aqua Medtek LLC., Has been sent to a drug Bacto 1.5 and our mistake on the packaging manufacturer is not printed.
We hereby thank you my compliments and to inform you that we have the rough №DS150116 dated 26 March 2015 addressed to the Aqua Medtek LLC., has been sent to medication Бактам 1.5 and on our error message on the packaging is not printed on the manufacturer.