1. to a list will never be an act of deficiency. and недостатчи were regular. even so.
2. on the недостаче i texted immediately. on the day of delivery. with all доп.свидетельсвами (photos etc).at issue was not closed because of you have in stock a of this device is waiting for delivery. (from the same supply of tl - WN721N * 40 long довезены) and since then, i and i.
so now the reason no documents, which then filled and carried out all the way. i have not to cut bangs. the documents until we receive the goods or to make a return?
the goods are bought and paid for,but has not been received. what are reported as always at that time. moreover, part of the same supply недовезенная, still довезена. isn't it strange looks, what part of it's okay, and that's why it's not right...
i don't want to do the stupid препирательствами and буквоедством, but when so long it's details in a result all not.
always loyal to their issuesto make you less paperwork was (сенять accounts do бух.корректировки), so a fault
let him really close... finally... he's last hope in the future), so the tail...