Комплектация котельных, ЦТП, сфер ЖКХ,
Оптом импорт арматуры - сроки честные всегда,
20 лет продаж на рынке, филиалы по стране,
Консультации клиентам и доставка до двери!
Отопление, вода, пар, газ, нефть или масла,
Для коттеджей, зданий, складов, атомных электростанций,
Клапаны, краны, затворы - эталон российских ГОСТов,
Выполним любой объём, в сезон работ, не подведём!
Репутация на рынке - наша гордость и триумф,
Производство голых штоков под редуктор в ППУ!
Арматура под все среды есть в "Компании Комси",
Сеть поставок - вся Россия, вместе с Вами по пути!
Complete set boiler, CENTRAL HEATING, housing,Wholesale importation of valves-honest, always20 years of sales in the market, with branches throughout the country,Consulting clients and delivery to the door!Heating, water, steam, gas, oil or butter,For cottages, buildings, warehouses, nuclear power plants,Valves, cocks, butterfly valves-standard gostsExecute any volume in the season work fail!Reputation on the market-our pride and triumph,Production of bare rods under the reducer in Pur!Fittings for all Wednesday is in "Company Komsi has been praised for"Supply chain-the whole Russia, together with you along the way!

equipment of boilers, цтп, areas of utilities.wholesale imports of valves - dates are always20 years of sales on the market, branch offices throughout the country.advice and delivery to the door.heating, water, steam, gas, oil or butterfor houses, buildings, warehouses, nuclear power plantsvalves, taps, valves, standard russian гостов,do any volume in season works, don't judge.reputation in the market is our pride and glorythe production of naked under the штоков in pur foam.rebar under all the environment are in the company комси "supply chain of the whole russia, together with you on the way.