Здравствуйте. Хотелось узнать если делать заказ то тогда который товар придет ? Просто на рисунках они все разные. Мне бы хотелось тот который на первом ( длинная и там наверно 4 штуки). Жду вашего ответа что бы заказать. Спасибо!
Hello I wanted to know if you make an order then that the goods will arrive? Just at the figures, they are all different. I'd like the one that the first (long and there are probably 4 pieces). Waiting for your reply what to order.Thank you!
Hello. Wanted to know if the order then that product will come? Just in the pictures they are all different. I would like someone who is the first (long and there maybe 4 pieces). Waiting for your reply to order. Thank you!
Hello. I would like to know if you make an order then which goods will come ? Just in the pictures they are all different. I would like that on the first ( long and there probably 4 pieces). I look forward to your reply that would be ordered.Thank you very much!