Компания ООО «Русармкомплект» была основана в 2001 году. За сравнительно короткий период времени предприятие сумело выйти на лидирующие позиции в области поставки запорной и трубопроводной арматуры в России и странах СНГ. Ассортимент поставляемой нашей компанией продукции насчитывает более 10000 наименований.
К концу 2008 года наша компания приобрела партнерские и деловые отношения более чем с 200 предприятиями-изготовителями трубопроводной и запорной арматуры России, СНГ и стран дальнего зарубежья. Подробнее
Атомная, нефтяная, газовая, химическая промышленность... Список отраслей, в которых необходима трубопроводная и запорная арматура, можно продолжать очень долго. И, действительно, работа с водой, паром, нефтепродуктами, газом и другими средами требует постоянного контроля за их потоком. Например, запорная арматура применяется для перекрытия потока газообразных и жидких веществ в трубопроводе, обеспечивая при этом полную герметичность по отношению к внешней среде.
Сейчас на рынке работает огромное количество предприятий, для которых запорная и трубопроводная арматура — основная сфера производства. Однако потребителю чаще всего несподручно бегать по разным фирмам — у одних приобретать краны шаровые или обратные клапаны, а у других задвижки чугунные или стальные. Сотрудники компании ООО «Русармкомплект» понимают это и поэтому поставили для себя приоритетную задачу — предоставить своим клиентам все необходимое в одном месте.
Теперь Вам не надо устраивать рейд по десяткам фирм, чтобы найти изделие, подходящее Вам по назначению, размеру и стоимости. Достаточно сразу же обратиться в ООО «Русармкомплект». Плодотворное сотрудничество более чем с 200 предприятиями-изготовителями арматуры России, СНГ и стран дальнего зарубежья позволяет фирме работать с большими партиями и гарантировать своим клиентам короткие сроки выполнения заказа.
За более чем десятилетний стаж непрерывной работы компания существенно расширила сферу своей деятельности. В частности, являясь универсальным поставщиком трубопроводной арматуры, деталей трубопровода, контрольно-измерительных приборов и приводной техники ООО «Русармкомплект» уделяет большое внимание ассортиментной политике, а именно:
LLC «Rusarmkomplekt» was founded in the year 2001. In a relatively short period of time the company has managed to become leaders in the field of delivery valves and pipe fittings in Russia and CIS countries. The range of supplied products our company has more than 10000 items.By the end of 2008, our company has acquired a partner and business relationships with more than 200 enterprises-manufacturers of pipeline and valves in Russia, CIS and far abroad countries. Read moreNuclear, oil, gas, chemical industry ... List of industries in which the necessary pipe fittings and valves, you can continue for a very long time. And, indeed, working with water, steam, gas and other petroleum products, Wednesday requires constant monitoring of their thread. For example, valves used for flow of gaseous and liquid substances in the pipeline, while ensuring complete tightness towards external Wednesday.Now works on the market for a great number of enterprises for which valves and valves is the main sphere of production. However, the consumer often nespodručno to run on different firms — some acquire ball valves or check valves and other valves cast iron or steel. Employees of the company "Rusarmkomplekt" understand this and so have set for themselves a priority is to provide our clients everything they need in one place.Now you don't need to hold Reid on dozens of companies to find a suitable product for its intended use, size and cost. It is enough to immediately contact the LLC «Rusarmkomplekt». Fruitful cooperation with more than 200 enterprises-manufacturers of valves in Russia, CIS and far abroad countries allows the firm to work with large parties and guarantee its customers short delivery times.For more than 10 years of continuous work, the company greatly expanded the scope of its activities. In particular, as a universal supplier of valves, pipeline parts, instrumentation and propulsion technology Ltd. "Rusarmkomplekt" pays great attention to the assortment policy, namely:

The company "Rusarmkomplekt" was founded in 2001. In a relatively short period of time, the company has managed to become a leader in the supply of shut-off and valves in Russia and CIS countries. The range of products supplied by our company has more than 10,000 titles. By the end of 2008 our company has acquired partnerships and business relationships with more than 200 companies, manufacturers of piping and valves Russia, CIS and non-CIS countries. More nuclear, oil, gas, chemical industry ... the list of industries, which require piping and valves, is very long. And, indeed, work with water, steam, oil, gas and other media requires constant control over their flow. For example, the shut-off valve is used to shut off the flow of gases and liquids in the pipeline while ensuring full tightness in relation to the environment. Now the market is working a great number of enterprises for which locking and pipe fittings - the main area of production. However, consumers often inconvenient to run on different firms - some have to buy ball valves or check valves and other valves in cast iron or steel. Employees of the company LLC "Rusarmkomplekt" understand this and therefore set for itself the priority task - to provide its customers with everything you need in one place. Now you do not need to organize a raid by dozens of companies to find the product that suits you to destination, size and cost. Suffice is to apply immediately to the LLC "Rusarmkomplekt". Fruitful cooperation with more than 200 companies-manufacturers in Russia, CIS and non-CIS rebar countries allows the company to work with large batches and to guarantee its customers short delivery times. For more than ten years experience of continuous operation, the company significantly expanded its activities. In particular, being a universal supplier of pipe fittings, pipeline components, instrumentation and drive technology of "Rusarmkomplekt" pays great attention to the assortment policy, namely:

the company "русармкомплект» was founded in 2001. in a relatively short period of time, the company has been able to become a leader in the delivery of goods and pipeline valves in russia and the cis countries. the range of products of our company has more than 10000 the end of 2008, our company has acquired a partnership and business relationship with more than 200 enterprises manufacturers pipeline and stop valves of russia, cis and other countries. read morenuclear, oil, gas, chemical industry... the list of industries that require pipeline and check printing, you can continue for a long time. and, indeed, to work with water, steam, oil, gas and other environments requires continuous monitoring of their flow. for example, the check valve is used to prevent the flow of the gaseous and liquid substances in the conduit, while ensuring the full sealing relative to the external in the market has a huge number of enterprises for which the lock tab and the valve is the main area of production. however, the consumer often несподручно running on different firms - some have become major cranes or non-return valves and other valves cast iron or steel. employees of the company, llc русармкомплект» understand it and therefore made for priority is to provide its clients with everything you need in one you don't need to make a raid on the dozens of companies to find the product for you on purpose, size and cost. enough to immediately contact the company русармкомплект». the fruitful cooperation with more than 200 enterprises manufacturers fittings of russia, cis and other countries allows the firm to work with large parties and guarantee its customers the short time frame for the implementation of the order.for more hours