LLP "Маралды Mineral" performs on orders the following types of exploration works.
The exploration mining and exploration and mining chemical raw materials more multitasking performance
1.The development and harmonization of programs to the contracts for the exploration and mining, and annual exploration programs.
2. The preparation and coordination of the draft exploration works, including search engines,Search and evaluation, exploration and training fields for industrial development.
3. The implementation of field exploration works.
geological routes, schematic geological mapping,Литогеохимические shooting.
geological drilling work info, mountain works, documentation, and testing mine reclamation, the selection technology representative samples,The study engineering and geological and hydrogeological conditions deposits, geological work info labs, and technology research.
4./wrongdoing processing field materials,The establishment of an electronic database, the Information geological reports, reporting on the returned part of the contract territory.
5.The provisional geological-economic assessment deposits with submission of materials to the public opinion in the State commission on mineral reserves of Kazakhstan (JV RK) .
6.Geological modeling and assessment resources in computer technology MICROMINE, including modeling ore bodies, interpolation content,The categorization resources in accordance with the international standards and JORC code. At the request of the Customer, providing the "Draft MICROMINE" on modeling.
7.The count of stocks in the exploration and production of the industrial development.
feasibility of the industrial destinations on the solid minerals,including the definition of pipelines indicators, the financial and economic models field development, adoption dissolved in JV RK.
The count of stocks on the approved all traditional and геостатистическим (MICROMINE) methods with categorization of stocks and resources on standards of RK and международым standards. Adoption of JV RK.
At the request of the customer, providing the "Draft MICROMINE" to monetize stocks more multitasking performance
the Intelligence solve common minerals.Lord (building stone, sandy-gravel mixture, суглинок brick, sand,Textile raw materials and other) .
1.Preparation and coordination of the draft exploration work programs.
2.exploration and reporting with the count of stocks,The approval for the regional offices JV RK.
3. Preparation of technical projects development of deposits as concise as possible, harmonization with the interregional territorial departments of geology and mining,Regional bodies of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
in the works LLP "Маралды Mineral" compliance with legislative and other normative legal acts of the Republic Kazakhstan,Existing guidance and training provisions, contractual terms and conditions, as well as customer's terms and conditions.