Денис, привет.
Из остатка по резервному фонду готовы провести выплату 9,330.00 дол до курсу 8,15 и 11,046,2 дол по курсу 12,0.
Итого с резервного фонда будет списана сумма в гривнах с учетом нашей комиссии 12% в размере 250,312.7 грн без НДС по усредненному курсу 10,24, прошу её подтвердить.
Начиная с апреля мы начинаем вести учет скидок и выплат в гривне, поэтому очень прошу цифры последующих дилерских бонусов подавать в гривне без НДС.
Заранее спасибо.
Denis, hi. Of the balance of the contingency fund are ready to undertake the payment of 9, 330.00 USD to rate 8.15 and 11, 046, 2 dollars at a rate of 12.0. Total with contingency fund will be charged UAH including our 12% Commission of $ 250, 312.7 UAH without VAT on average rate of 10.24, ask her to confirm. Since April we begin to keep a record of abatement and payments in UAH, so ask the numbers subsequent dealer bonuses serve in UAH without VAT. Thanks in advance.

Denis, greetings. Because of the balance of the contingency fund are ready to pay up to US $ 9,330.00, and the rate of 8.15 11,046,2 dollars at the rate of 12.0. Total reserve fund to be debited in UAH including our commission of 12% in the amount of UAH 250,312.7 without VAT at the average exchange rate of 10.24, please confirm it. Since April we start to keep records of discounts and payment in local currency, so the numbers beg to submit the following dealer bonuses in the national currency, VAT excluded. Thanks in advance.

denis, hi.
from the balance of the contingency fund would be prepared to pay 9330.00 dol to rate 8,15 and 11046,2 dahl at the rate of 12.0.
so with the reserve fund will be charged the amount of uah given our commission of 12% of 250312.7 and without vat at the average rate 10,24, please confirm it.
since april, we begin to account for discounts and advances in uah, therefore please the subsequent 'bonuses to senior vat.
thank you in advance.