Добрый день, Виктория!
К сожалению, не вижу содержимое вашего письма, поэтому, подтверждаю, 10.08.2016, в период с 8.00 до 9.00, вывоз устройств для утилизации.
Мои контакты для водителя – (067) 456-37-42, Алексей Швецов.
Good day, Victoria! Unfortunately, can not see the contents of your letter, therefore, certify, 10.08.2016, from 8.00 to 9.00, removal devices for recycling.My contacts for driver-(067) 456-37-42, Alexey Shvetsov.

Good afternoon, Victoria Unfortunately, I do not see the contents of your letter, therefore, I affirm, 08.10.2016, from 8.00 to 9.00, the export of equipment for recycling. My contacts for the driver - (067) 456-37-42, Alexey Shvetsov .

good day, victoria!unfortunately, i don"t see the contents of your letter, however, confirm 10.08.2016, from 8:00 to 9:00, the transfer devices for disposal.my contacts for the driver - (067) 456 - 37 - 42, alexei швецов.