Приятно встретить мужчину, который не только привлекателный и очень очаровательный, но и очень умыный ))) Да, наверное, чувства не имеют перевода, и любовь - в любой стране юудет любовью.. Ты ведь о .том говорил? Это сейчас, как мне кажется, большая редкость *) Меня зовут Наташа, но можно Ната ))) Я живу в Кишиневе, это Молдова. Знаешь такую страну?
Рабтаю я в салоне стилистом. Это мой салон красоты)) мне нравится моя работа. Кстати фото - это как раз с моей работы ))) Много чем увлекаюсь, но если честно, то мне больше по душе реалные отношения, а не длительная переписка.. Тем более, что по перписке не всегда понятно, с кем общаешься, а вот если просто посмотреть в глаза, то многое становится понятным.. Хотя интернет действтельно помогает знакомиться))) Особенно в нашем мире ))
Расскажи чем ты занимаешся, потому что я это не очень хорошо поняла.. (( Перевод был мне не совсем понятен.. Ты - работаешь в какой-то рпомышленности ? это было очень непонятно в переводе (((
Целую тебя )))))) киссс )))))
Nice to meet a man who is not only striking and very charming, but also very umynyj))) Yes, probably, feelings have no translation, and love-in any country articles will be love ... You're on. talking Tom? It now seems to me to be quite rare *) my name is Natasha, but can be Nata))) I live in Chisinau, Moldova is. You know a country? Rabtaû I in a salon stylist. This is my beauty salon)) I like my job. By the way the photo is from my work))) a lot of what my hobbies are, but honestly, I prefer realnye relationship, rather than a prolonged correspondence ... So much so that perpiske does not always clear with whom you communicate, but if you just look in his eyes, that much becomes clear.. Although the Internet'm really helps get acquainted))) especially in our world)) Tell us what you zanimaešsâ, because I is not very well understood. .. ((The translation was not absolutely clear to me ... you're working in some rpomyšlennosti? it was very unclear in translation ((( Kiss you)))))))))) kisss)

It's nice to meet a man who not only privlekatelny and very charming, but also very umyny))) Yes, probably, feeling no translation, and love - in any country yuudet love .. You're talking about .tom? It is now, I think, a rarity *) My name is Natasha, but you can Nata))) I live in Chisinau, Moldova is. You know this country?
I Rabtayu salon stylist. This is my salon)) I like my job. By the way photo - it's just my work))) How do you spend a lot, but honestly, I prefer realnye relationship, not a long correspondence .. Especially that perpiske not always clear with whom you communicate, but if you just look in the eyes, the more it becomes clear .. While the Internet helps deystvtelno friends))) Especially in our world))
Tell us what you zanimaeshsya because I did not understand very well .. ((my translation was not quite clear. . You - you work in some rpomyshlennosti? it was very unclear in the translation (((
I kiss you)))))) kisss)))))

A pleasure to meet a man, who not only привлекателныи and very nice, but also very умыныи ))) yes, perhaps, a sense of do not have translation, and love - in any country юудет love.. You look at the .we did that? This is now,It seems to me, it is a great rarity * ) i'm Natasha, but you can press briefings ))) I live in Chisinau, the Republic of Moldova. Do you know such a country?
Рабтаю i stylist in the passenger compartment. This is my beauty salon)) i love my work.I think photo - this is as well as once again with my work ))) many than i learn English, but to be honest, I am no longer the soul реалные relations, and not a long-term correspondence.. The more that the перписке is not always clear, with whom dominion,But if you just look in the eyes, the more it becomes clear. Although the internet деиствтельно helps you learn about))) especially in our world ))
What can you tell me what do you занимаешся, because I was not very well understood.(( The transfer was i do not quite understand. You work with the рпомышленности ? This has been a very unclear in the translation (((
an entire thee for )))))) киссс )))))