Dear Mr. Utkirbek Yuldashev,
How are you?
About your purchasing for the Nipple Drinkers & Feed Pans, if it is still pending? There has been so long time since our last contact...No matter any latest decision, could we know some your idea? As we really don't want to loose a so good customer like you...
Sincerely waiting for your earlier reply, looking forward to doing our best and satisfying all your new requests eh...Thank you.
Best regards,
Уважаемый г-н Utkirbek Юлдашев,
как ты?
о покупке для ниппель поилки & кормить кастрюли, если она по-прежнему ожидающих? Там было так много времени с момента нашего последнего контакта...Независимо от того, какие Последнее решение могли бы мы знаем некоторых вашу идею? Как мы не хотим потерять так хорошо клиента как ты...
искренне ждет ваших ранее ответ, будем рады сделать все возможное и удовлетворяющие все ваши новые запросы eh...Спасибо.
наилучшими пожеланиями,
Уважаемый г-н не только спортивными успехами сына Юлдашев,ветровому как вы?ветровому о вашей покупке для соска поилок подачи & поддоны, если он по-прежнему находится в процессе рассмотрения? Столь длительное время с момента нашего последнего контакта ... независимо от каких-либо последнее решение, мы могли бы знать некоторые вашу идею? Как мы действительно не хотите потерять а так хороший клиент хотел бы вам ... ветровому искренне ожидая ранее на ответ,Ожидая делаем все, что в наших силах и удовлетворения всех ваших новых просит эг ... Спасибо.ветровому с уважением,ветровому Мишель
Dear Mr. Yuldashev Utkirbek,
How are you?
About your purchasing for the Nipple Drinkers & Feed Pans out, if it is still pending? There has been so long time since our last contact.No matter any latest decision, could we know some of your idea? As we really don't want to loose a customer like you so good ...
Sincerely waiting for your earlier reply, looking forward to doing our best and satisfying all your new requests eh ...Thank you, Best regards,
dear Mr. Utkirbek
Yuldashev, how are you?
about buying for nipple drinkers & feed pans, if it still pending? There was so much time since our last contact.No matter what the latest decision could we know some of your idea? As we do not want to lose a customer because you are so good ...
sincerely waiting for your earlier reply, we will be glad to do everything possible to meet all of your new requests eh ...Thank you.
best regards, Michelle
dear Mr. not only sporting success son Yuldashev,the windshield the windshield as you? about your purchase to the nipple drinkers of & trays, if he is still in the review process? Such a long time since our last contact. regardless of any decision, we could know some of your idea? We really don't want to lose a good customer would like you ... wind sincerely expecting the earlier reply,Waiting are doing everything in our power and meet all of your new requests eg. Thank you., wind wind Michelle

Dear Mr. Utkirbek Yuldаshev,lord How are you?lord about your purchasing for the nipple see more & Feed Pаns, if it is still pending? There has been so long time since our last contact ... no matter any latest decision, could we know some your idea? As we really don't want to loose and so good customer like you ... lord Sinсerely waiting for your earlier reply,Looking forward to doing our best and sаtisfying all your new sntpserver eh ... thank you.lord best regаrds,lord Michelle
Dear Mr. Utkirbek Yuldashev, Lord how are you? Lord of the purchase for broilers & nipple feed pans, if it continues to be waiting?There was so much time since our last contact ... regardless of what the latest decision could we know some your idea? As we do not want to lose so good a customer as you ...
Sincerely is waiting for your earlier response, will be happy to do all we can and will meet all of your requests new eh ... thank you. Lord best wishes, Lord Michel
Dear Mr. not only sports successes son Yuldashev,Windshield as you?
r on your purchase for the nipple drinkers & feed pallets, if he is still in the process of considering? Such a long time since our last contact ...Regardless of any recent decision, we could know some your idea? As soon as we really do not want to lose as well as a good customer would like to you ... at windscreen sincerely looking forward to earlier in response to,Looking forward to doing everything in our power and to meet all of your new requests eh ... Thank you.
r with respect,windshield Michel