Правила, предусмотренные настоящей статьей, применяются при проведении выездных налоговых проверок налогоплательщика - участника регионального инвестиционного проекта с учетом особенностей, установленных статьей 89.2 настоящего Кодекса.
The rules provided for in this article shall apply to the conduct of on site tax inspections of the taxpayer party regional investment project taking into account the peculiarities stipulated by article 89.2 of the present code.
The rules provided for in this Article shall be applied at a field tax audit of the taxpayer - the participant of the regional investment project with the specifications established by Article 89.2 of this Code.
the rules provided for in this article shall apply in the field of tax audits of taxpayer's regional investment project in line with the characteristics of the article 89.2 established by this code.