Ок, ясно, спасибо.
Оставляем расчетную цифру по литрам без изменений: 5740 L
Сергей, привет!
Поскольку лот по спец.цене под F5 вы у нас уже забрали, мы рассчитываем что F5 закупит за планируемый промо-период 3500 единиц модели WR841N.
В случае, если они не закупят оговоренное количество, я думаю будет честно снять с них бензиновую компенсацию за октябрь (уменьшить сумму квартального бонуса на стоимость «переплаты»).
Предупреди плиз F5 со своей стороны.
На всякий случай, хочу еще раз обратить внимание: мы не отказываемся от перевода компенсаций, и не планируем уменьшать заработанный F5 бонус.
Мы только лишь ожидаем от F5 выполнения тех договоренностей, который мы достигли в начале квартала.
И вполне логично, что в случае невыполнения условий, мы не можем гарантировать тот же объем компенсаций (на меньшем объеме закупок).
Natasha,OK, clear, thanks.Leave the estimated figure at litres unchanged: 5740 L Sergey, Hello! Since a lot of special price under F5 you we have already taken away, we expect that F5 buy for planned promotional period 3500 units model WR841N.If they do not purchase the agreed quantity, I think it is fair to remove gasoline from them compensation for October (to reduce the amount of the quarterly bonus to overpayments cost ").Pliz contact F5. Just in case, I should like once more to draw the attention of: we don't refuse the transfer of compensation and have no plans to reduce earned F5 bonus.We only expect from F5 run those agreements which we reached at the beginning of the quarter.And it is logical that in case of failure to comply with the conditions, we cannot guarantee the same amount of compensations (to a lesser extent purchases).

Okay, okay, thank you.
We reserve the estimated number of liters unchanged: 5740 L Sergei, hello! Because a lot of spets.tsene F5 you have already taken, we expect that the F5 purchase for the planned promotional period, 3,500 units of the model WR841N . If they do not purchase the agreed number, I think it is fair to remove their gasoline payment in October (to reduce the amount of quarterly bonus in the value of the "overpayment"). Warn pliz F5 its part. In any case, I want to once again draw attention We do not refuse to transfer payments, and do not plan to reduce the earned F5 bonus. We only expect F5 implementation of the agreements that we reached at the beginning of the quarter. It is logical that in the event of failure conditions, we can not guarantee the same amount compensation (on a smaller volume of purchases).

natasha, "okay, okay, thanks. - leave the estimated figure for литрам unchanged: 5740 l
, sergei, hello!
because the lot on спец.цене under f5 you've got.we expect that the f5 will buy for the promo period 3500 units of the model WR841N.
if they'll have bought specified amounti think it would be fair to them making a gasoline compensation for october (to reduce the amount of quarterly bonus for value "переплаты»).
warn please f5 with his hand.
just in case, i would like once again to draw the attention of:we're not giving up on translation compensation, and does not plan to reduce f5 earned bonus.
we only expect the f5 of the arrangements we have made early in the quarter.
and logicalin the case of failure to comply with the conditions, we can not guarantee the same level of compensation (to a lesser extent purchases).