Лена, добрый день, Да, этот товар стоит в резерве для Акцента (Молдавия) – распоряжение L278. Данный резерв снимается, поэтому TL-PB10400 можно взять из него, а сам резерв –аннулировать.
Lena, good afternoon,Yes, this product is reserved for Emphasis (Moldova)-L278. This reserve is removed, so you can take, TL-PB10400 from it, and the reserve is cancelled. Thank you
Lena, a good day, yes, this product is in reserve for emphasis (Moldova) - disposal of L278. The reserve has been removed, so the TL-PB10400 can take out of it, and the reserve -annulirovat. Thanks
Lena, good afternoon, Yes, this product is in the reserve for emphasis (Moldova) - available to l278. This reserve is removed, therefore, TL-PB10400 to you can take from it, and that the reserve -cancel.